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Sexual health
Enjoying emotional, physical, and social well-being in regard to one’s sexuality, including free and responsible sexual expression that enriches one’s personal and social life and fulfills one’s sexual rights. Disorders in sexual health can impact a person’s physical and emotional health, as well as his or her relationships and self-image.
Industry: Health care
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Sexual health
motnje orgazma
Health care; Sexual health
Nezmožnost doseči orgazem od sex igra z ali brez partnerja.
spolne identitete
Health care; Sexual health
Najgloblje občutke o svojih spol (ženski ali moški), enega spola in spolne vloge.
notranja ustnice
Health care; Sexual health
Sramnih ustnic na vulvi ki obdajajo Klitoris in odprtine za sečnice in vagina. , Imenovana tudi "malih sramnih ustnic. "
zunanji ustnice
Health care; Sexual health
Sramne ustnice, ki obkrožajo notranje ustnic na vulvi. , Imenovana tudi "sramnih ustnic. "
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