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Sexual health

Enjoying emotional, physical, and social well-being in regard to one’s sexuality, including free and responsible sexual expression that enriches one’s personal and social life and fulfills one’s sexual rights. Disorders in sexual health can impact a person’s physical and emotional health, as well as his or her relationships and self-image.

Contributors in Sexual health

Sexual health


Health care; Sexual health

Postopno upadanje spolne vigor, kot moški starost, zaradi zmanjšuje raven testosterona. Podobno menopavze pri ženskah.

možganske skorje

Health care; Sexual health

Sive, nagubana masa, ki pokriva večji del možganov, povezanih z višje funkcije, vključno z učenjem in dojemanje.


Health care; Sexual health

Navado razmišljanje o, primerjanje, razvrščanje in spremljanje lastnega spolnosti med seksom.


Health care; Sexual health

Male reproduktivnih celic pri moških, ki se proizvaja v seminiferous tubulih testise.


Health care; Sexual health

Poroka enega človeka v več kot eno žensko.


Health care; Sexual health

Poroka ena ženska več kot en človek.

dodelitev spola

Health care; Sexual health

Medicinski in pravni opis enega spola, ki je dana ob rojstvu.

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