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Online services
Any business that provides its subscribers with a wide variety of data transmitted over telecommunications lines, an infrastructure in which they can communicate with one another as well as the means to connect with an almost unlimited number of third-party information providers.
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Skodelica za čaj Teddy pes
Animals; Animals
Majhen pes večina ljudi pes pozornost v zadnjih letih, še posebej zdaj, da priljubljena Teddy bear psov, in sicer toy pudelj (toy pudelj je skupno lepota modeliranje Teddy ...
Language; Dictionaries
Organ, pridobljeni iz hemoglobina, z delovanjem reducenti v odsotnosti kisika.
konj varovala
Language; Dictionaries
Tako imenovani organ konjenica; ESP., britanski polk, imenovano Royal varovala konj, ki priskrbi straž države za suvereno.