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Arts & crafts
Arts & crafts comprises a multitude of activities and hobbies that involve making things with one's hands, usually from scratch. They can be sub-divided into 'handicrafts'( or traditional crafts ) that are fashioned in an old style using long practised techniques, and the rest which are more modern inventions that have become recent trends or fads.
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feng shui
Home furnishings; Chinese antique furniture
Kitajsko prakso organiziranje elementov doseči največjo harmonijo in bilance.
Culinary arts; Cooking
Kandidat za vlogo Šeste osnovne okus, ki bi jo poleg sladek, kisel, grenak, slan in umami. Kokumi je japonski besedi lahko v grobem prevedeno kot "heartiness", in nima okus lastno ...
koordinatno vešči
Mining; Mining tools
Koordinatno sonda je vrsta strojno orodje, ki je izumil ob koncu prve svetovne vojne omogoči hitro-še-zelo-natančno lokacijo luknjo klubi. , Ki ga je izumil neodvisno v ZDA in v ...
Earth science; Geology
Kadar biološko preperevanjem odstrani kovinski ioni v rock ali mineralnih.