Home > Industrija/področje > Biology; Chemistry > Toxicology
A branch of biology, chemistry, and medicine concerned with the study of the adverse effects of chemicals or physical agents on living organisms, as well as the symptoms, mechanisms, treatments and detection of poisoning, especially the poisoning of people.
Contributors in Toxicology
absorpcijski faktor
Biology; Toxicology
Glej absorptance (za kemijo), absorpcijski koeficient (v biologija)
kritične ekvivalentna
Biology; Toxicology
Strupen učinek, ki uporabljajo USEPA kot podlaga za referenčni odmerek.
Biology; Toxicology
Snovi, ki se uporablja za sterilizirajte pršic, žuželke, glodalci ali drugih živali.
Biology; Toxicology
Pljučni bolezni, ki povzročili vdihavanje prahu iz sladkornega ostankov.