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Tennis is a competitive sport where players are seperated on a court by a net. The game is played one versus one or pairs of two on each side. Players use rackets to hit the ball to the opposing player/team's side of the court. The object of the game is to hit the ball in such a manner that one's opponent is unable to give a good return.
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Grand slam
Sports; Tennis
Grand Slam je sestavljen iz 4 najbolj prestižnih teniških turnirjev. So: The Australian Open The Francije, Anglije in odprto The US Open. Za več informacij glej vsak ločen seznam.

Nick Kyrgios
Sports; Tennis
Nicholas Hilmy "Nick" Kyrgios (rojen 27. aprila 1995) je avstralski teniški igralec. Je osvojil fantje ' posamično dogodek na 2013 Australian Open in fantje ' dvojice v letu 2013 prvenstvo ...