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SAT vocabulary

Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) is part of the college entrance exam in the U.S. The SAT vocabulary consists of words frequently used in the SAT test.

Contributors in SAT vocabulary

SAT vocabulary


Education; SAT vocabulary

Vrniti na nekdanji položaj ali stanje.


Education; SAT vocabulary

Če želite obnoviti prejšnje stanje, zmogljivosti, pravico rank ali privilegij.


Education; SAT vocabulary

Usmerjati ali poslati za informacije ali za druge namene.


Education; SAT vocabulary

Upogibni ali vklopite od neposredne seveda.


Education; SAT vocabulary

Ovreči, da dokaže, da se moti, dokazati, da ni prav ali res.


Education; SAT vocabulary

Občudovanje določen del organa nekoga.


Education; SAT vocabulary

Udarec v težkih sunki; ogrožajo emptily; tiran. Primer: "Naj nevihtno vetrovi Samohvala," jokala Jack, "mi boste odpluli nocoj.

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