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Natural gas

Natural gas is a naturally occurring hydrocarbon gas mixture consisting primarily of methane, with up to 20 % of other hydrocarbons as well as impurities in varying amounts such as carbon dioxide. Natural gas is widely used as an important energy source in many applications including heating buildings, generating electricity, providing heat and power to industry, as fuel for vehicles and as a chemical feedstock in the manufacture of products such as plastics and other commercially important organic chemicals.

Contributors in Natural gas

Natural gas


Energy; Natural gas

Neto silo del v določeno smer - npr., na koncu steblo ventila

loputa z nagibanjem disk

Energy; Natural gas

Design ventil pregled, v katerem pretok kontrolni element vrti okrog osi, ki je pravokotna na tekočine Dragoslav in v tekočine poti in skozi tok kontrolni element.

debelina stene

Energy; Natural gas

Debelina stene, tlačne posode ali ventil. Jeklenih ventilov, minimalne debeline zahteve so opredeljene v ASME B16.34, API 600, in API 602.

sobni temperaturi

Energy; Natural gas

Temperatura okolja, ki obdaja ventil, običajno od - 20degF za 100degF

blok in krvavitev

Energy; Natural gas

Operacijo storiti z dvojno sedi ventil, ki imajo med sedeži odteče. Ko ventil zaprt (tnalo) je odprl možganov, ki omogoča tekočino, ujet med sedeži, ki odteka (krvavitev).


Energy; Natural gas

Sistem, ki omogoča, da kategorizirati ventile, glede na svoje sposobnosti, ki ohranja tlak.


Energy; Natural gas

Koncih bolted gradnjo Krogelna pipa, priviti na telo, ki pogosto vsebujejo sedež prstanov.

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