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The term mythology can refer to either the study of myths, or to a body of myths. Comparative mythology is the study of connections between myths from different cultures. In the study of folklore, a myth is a sacred narrative explaining how the world and humankind came to be in their present form. Many scholars in other fields use the term "myth" in somewhat different ways. In a very broad sense, the word can refer to any traditional story.

Contributors in Mythology



Anthropology; Mythology

Bog letenja, tatovi, trgovino in potnike. Glasnik bogov. Sin Zeus z ga.


Anthropology; Mythology

Bog morja, nevihte in konj. Njegovi sinovi so nebeško Twins, Polyphemus in Triton. Svoje orožje je trident, s katerim lahko Raspirivati morij, Razbitina ladje in Utopiti mornarjev.


Anthropology; Mythology

Oče vseh očetov, modrost in svetlobo. Kralj bogov čez smrtonosen svoje očeta, Kronos, kdo pojedel Zevsovo bratje in sestre, vendar je njihova mama uspelo rešiti otroka Zeus. Ko Zeus odraščal, je ...


Anthropology; Mythology

Boginja ognjišča, fireside, družine in doma, je bil eden od Olympians dokler dala gor ji prestol na za Dioniz.


Anthropology; Mythology

Bog teme. Sin kaos. Twin Nyx.


Anthropology; Mythology

Prvinsko Boginja zraka, kaos je verjel, da je eden od prvih bitja v vesolju. Kaos res ni upodobljen z osebnostjo ali fizični obliki. Kaos je nižje atmosfere, ki obdaja zemlje.


Anthropology; Mythology

Boginja zemlje (mati zemlja), mati Kronos, babica Zeus, had, Poseidon.

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