Home > Industrija/področje > Plants > Flowers
Of or realting to the reproductive part of a flowering plant. The flower facilitates the unification of sperm and eggs. Also, flowers are used by humans as decoration, romance, ritual, religion, medicine, and food source.
Industry: Plants
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Fly catcher
Plants; Flowers
Tropski Krčag rastlin, ki je znano, za njegovo sposobnost, da ulov muhe in drugih insektov kot hrana. Uradno znan kot prelepo Krčag rastlin, je native Mount Kinabalu in Mount Tambuyukon v Maleziji. , ...
turgorski tlak ali turgor
Plants; Flowers
Sila na celično steno, ki nastane zaradi vode znotraj celice. Turgor daje rastlinam trdnost in jim pomaga obdržati pokončen položaj.
cev cvetni prah
Plants; Flowers
V semena rastlin, razširitev moškega gametophyte, kot to izhaja iz zrna cvetnega prahu v iskanju ženski gametophyte.