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Contract manufacturing
The manufacturing of goods and products by one company under the label or brand of another. Contract manufacturing is a process in which one company outsources part or the entire manufacturing production to another company for such benefits as cost savings, improved quality, increased ROI, reduced safety risks, enhanced business focus, and faster speed.
Industry: Manufacturing
Dodaj nov izrazContributors in Contract manufacturing
Contract manufacturing
čista soba
Manufacturing; Contract manufacturing
Objekt, v katerem so nadzorovani okoljskih elementov (toplota, vlažnost, mikrobne rasti, itd) in uporabnik čistoče.
računalnik numeričnim krmiljenjem (CNC)
Manufacturing; Contract manufacturing
Posvetitev namen računalnik, ki ima zmožnost čitati računalniške kode.
čip na krovu (COB)
Manufacturing; Contract manufacturing
Tehnologija, ki izkorišča žice vezave povezati obsežnih integriranih vezij neposredno za tiskana vezja.
čip na film (COF)
Manufacturing; Contract manufacturing
Skupščina metoda za lepljenje čipov integriranega vezja in druge komponente na s fleksibilnim tiskanim vezjem.
čip na steklo (COG)
Manufacturing; Contract manufacturing
Proces, ki povezuje integriranih vezij neposredno LCD ploščah brez potrebe po žice vezave.
razreda 100.000
Manufacturing; Contract manufacturing
Zvezno urejenem standard okoljske čistoče: airborne delcev ravni ohranja pod 100.000 na kubični stopala.
seznam odobrenih dobaviteljev (AVL)
Manufacturing; Contract manufacturing
Seznam vseh odobrenih virov, poleg opisov del in del številke.