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Terms of or pertaining to the game of basketball which involves two teams of five players trying to work together to accumulate points by shooting or dunking a ball through a basket. The team with the most points by the end of the game wins.
Industry: Sports
Dodaj nov izrazContributors in Basketball
Sports; Basketball
(izraz košarka) Nacionalni Kolegiatna Athletic Association; prostovoljno združenje več kot 1200 šol in univerz v ZDA , katerega vloga je vzpostaviti standarde in zaščito integritete amateurism za ...
NCAA turnir
Sports; Basketball
(izraz košarka) letni konkurence med 64. kolegij ekipe za krono državni prvak; imenovan tudi marec Madness, ker tri-teden dni-dolg dogodek se odvija med marca; glej tudi Final Four.
Sports; Basketball
(izraz košarka) Nacionalni zvanice turnir; najstarejši kolegij turnir, v kateri tekmovati 32 ekip, ki ni izbrana v NCAA turnir vsako leto.