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The Internet is the global telecommunication environment consisting of numerous smaller networks and gateways connecting millions of computers around the world. World-Wide Web is a part of Internet that consists of interlinked hypertext documents comprising global information system.
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atmosferski lepilni
Telecommunications; General telecom
Vodoravni plast v nižje atmosfere, v katerih navpično lomni količnik prelivi, taka, da radijskih signalov (a) so vodeni ali usmerjena v vodu, (b) ponavadi sledijo ukrivljenosti ...
Medical; Gastroenterology
Sladkor a simple telo proizvaja iz ogljikovih hidratov v prehrani. Glukoze je telo glavni vir energije.
Medical; Gastroenterology
Draženje spodnji del malih črevo (ileumu) in začetkom del dvopičje.