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IT services
This industry comprises establishments that provide internet technology services to all industries. These include maintenance and support services, network services, and professional services such as systems integration and It consulting services.
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en gen, eno encima hipoteza
Biology; General
Drži, da posamezen gen nadzor proizvodnje, specifičnosti in dejavnosti vsakega encima v metabolne poti. Tako mutacije takih gena spremeni sposobnost celice opravljati zlasti ...
en gen eno polipeptid hipoteza
Biology; General
Revizijo eno gena, eno encima hipoteza. Nekatere beljakovine so sestavljeni iz različnih polipeptid verig, ki se kodirani z ločeno genov, tako zdaj ima hipotezo, da mutacij v gena ...
Rupture hitrost
Natural environment; Earthquake
Hitrost, pri kateri krivda pretrganja razširi vzdolž napake.
Legal services; DNA forensics
Rezultat diferencialna ekstrakcijo; ločevanje sperme celic iz drugega materiala DNK.