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Earth science
Any of several geological sciences that are concerned with the earth, its origins, and all of its various structures and physical forms and phenomena.
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Earth science > 
sev (elastičnosti)
Natural environment; Earthquake
Za odstotek spremembe dolžine, obliko ali obseg organa, ki je podvržena deformacije.
Natural environment; Earthquake
Naravno prisotnega plast minerali in organske snovi, ki lahko podpira vegetacije.\u000aV engineering, vseh nekonsolidirane material nad Kamninska.
profil tal
Natural environment; Earthquake
Navpična razporeditev tal obzorja do matičnega materiala.
Natural environment; Earthquake
Spazmatičan torni krivda zdrs, v kateri je blokov rock, lasti trenja, episodically in nenadoma diapozitiva.