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Candy & confectionary

A set of food items that are usually rich in sugar and calories but low in micronutrients. As well as candy (USA), they are also called sweets (UK) and lollies (Australia).

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Natural environment; Earthquake

Nekonsolidirane materialov, overlying rock.


Natural environment; Earthquake

Študija geološko zadnjih potresi.

obdobje (wave)

Natural environment; Earthquake

Časovni interval, ki je potrebna za en cikel val.


Natural environment; Earthquake

Fazi v periodičnih gibanja, izmerjena s sklicevanjem in izražena v kotni ukrep.


Natural environment; Earthquake

Znak in distribucijo landforms.

ploščo (tektonske)

Natural environment; Earthquake

Velika enota zemeljske litosfero, ki premakne glede na druge plošče in notranjosti Zemlje.
