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It is customary in some Jewish communities to place small stones or rocks on a gravesite. I have heard two explanations of this custom: 1) it's a like leaving a calling card for the dead person; or 2) it was a substitute for a tombstone in areas where tombstones tended to get desecrated. See Life, Death and Mourning.
The six-pointed star emblem commonly associated with Judaism.
A type style used in writing the Hebrew Alphabet, distinguished by crowns on certain letters. Used in Sifrei Torah, Tefillin and Mezuzot.
Lit. Booth. The temporary dwellings we live in during the holiday of Sukkot. See also Blessing for Dwelling in the Sukkah.
Lit. Casting off. A custom of going to a river and symbolically casting off one's sins. See Rosh Hashanah.
613 Commandments. "Taryag" is a way of pronouncing the numeral 613, which is made up of the letters Tav (numerical value 400), Reish (200), Yod (10) and Gimmel (3). See A List of the 613 Mitzvot (Commandments); Halakhah: Jewish Law; Hebrew Alphabet: Numerical Values.
Acronym of Torah (Law), Nevi'im (Prophets) and Ketuvim (Writings). Written Torah; what non-Jews call the Old Testament.
The fourth month of the Jewish year, occurring in June/July. See Months of the Jewish Year.
The most significant collection of the Jewish oral tradition interpreting the Torah.
Lit. Small tallit. A four-cornered, poncho-like garment worn under a shirt so that we may have the opportunity to fulfill the commandment to put tzitzit (fringes) on the corners of our garments.