American Meteorological Society
Industry: Weather
Number of terms: 60695
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
The American Meteorological Society promotes the development and dissemination of information and education on the atmospheric and related oceanic and hydrologic sciences and the advancement of their professional applications. Founded in 1919, AMS has a membership of more than 14,000 professionals, ...
The change with time in the concentration of a reactant or product involved in a chemical reaction. The rate of the reaction is given by the product of the rate coefficient for the particular reaction and the concentrations of the reactants.
Η περιστροφή ενός συστήματος σαν να ήταν μια στερεά ή άκαμπτο σώμα που περιστρέφεται περί ένα σταθερό άξονα, όλα σημεία μέσα στο σώμα με την ίδια γωνιακή ταχύτητα.
One of the semipermanent highs of the subtropical high pressure belt. These highs appear as centers of action on mean charts of sea level pressure, generally between 20° and 40° latitude. They lie over the oceans and are best developed in the summer season. See Azores high, Bermuda high, Pacific high.
An ice crystal usually having an aspect ratio greater than 2 and as much as 100 and with hexagonal symmetry, although trigonal (threefold) and occasionally other symmetries occur. As such crystals fall through the clouds in which they form, they may encounter conditions causing them to develop dendritic extensions, that is, become plane-dendritic crystals.
Fog formed when water vapor is added to air that is much colder than the vapor's source; most commonly, when very cold air drifts across relatively warm water. No matter what the nature of the vapor source (warm water, industrial combustion exhaust, exhaled breath), its equilibrium vapor pressure is greater than that corresponding to the colder air; thus, the water vapor, upon becoming mixed with and cooled by the cold air, rapidly condenses. It should be noted that this mechanism never allows the fog to actually reach the vapor source. Also, upon further mixing in sufficiently turbulent or convective flow (only a slight degree is needed), the fog particles evaporate at a more or less well defined upper limit of the fog. Note, also, that although advection of air is necessary to produce steam fog, it differs greatly from an advection fog in the usual sense, which is caused by warm, moist air moving over a cold surface. Steam fog is commonly observed over lakes and streams on cold autumn mornings as well as in polar regions. It is sometimes confused with ice fog, but its particles are entirely liquid. At temperatures below −29°C (−20°F), these may freeze into droxtals and create a type of ice fog that may be known as frost smoke.
Designation for the study of those phenomena that lie wholly or in part outside the earth's atmosphere. The term is analogous to terrestrial meteorology in that it includes the study of planetary atmospheres and solar–weather relationships.
1. The viscous downslope flow of water-saturated soil and other surficial materials, particularly in regions underlaid by frozen ground (not necessarily permafrost) acting as a barrier to downward water percolation. 2. Any slow soil flowage on slopes in which the near-surface unconsolidated material is saturated by water.
The Fourier representation of a given function, that is, the Fourier transform if the given function is aperiodic, or the set of coefficients of the Fourier series if the given function is periodic. The existence of the spectral function depends on the mathematical behavior of the given function. If it exists, the spectral function will in general be a complex function, having both amplitude and phase. See'' also'' continuous spectrum, discrete spectrum.
Έτσι, μια πτήση αεροσκαφών προγραμματιστεί και ναυτιλία ότι ολοκληρώνεται υπό τις βέλτιστες συνθήκες ελάχιστο χρόνο και την ελαχιστοποίηση της έκθεσης σε επικίνδυνες καιρικές που φέρουν. Μια βέλτιστη πτήση δεν είναι συχνά μια ελάχιστη πτήση.
1. Η περίσσεια του νερού που ανατρέπει τα συνήθη όρια του ένα σώμα του νερού. 2. Μια τρέχουσα έξοδο σε όλη τη στρωματοειδή φλέβα της λεκάνης.