American Meteorological Society
Industry: Weather
Number of terms: 60695
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
The American Meteorological Society promotes the development and dissemination of information and education on the atmospheric and related oceanic and hydrologic sciences and the advancement of their professional applications. Founded in 1919, AMS has a membership of more than 14,000 professionals, ...
A radar that is used to obtain the azimuth, elevation, and slant range of an airborne target. See theodolite.
A method or technique of developing objective forecasting aids. Suitable statistical relationships are found between a predictand and one or more observed variables that can be forecast by one or more numerical (dynamic) prediction models. The relationships can be determined by linear or nonlinear regression, multiple discriminant analysis, or other statistical methods. In practice, the relationships are applied to the appropriate output of numerical prediction model(s) to yield forecasts of the predictand. In essence, the output of the model(s) is considered perfect, hence the name. The difference between model output statistics (MOS) and perfect prognostic is that in MOS the predictand is related to the actual model output, while in perfect prog, the predictand is related to observations or representations of them at (nearly) concurrent times.
Un instrument pour mesurer la transmissivité de l'atmosphère ; un type de transmissomètre. Il se compose d'une source de lumière collimatée intensité constante située à une distance convenable d'une cellule photo-électrique. Variation de la turbidité de l'atmosphère provoque des changements dans l'intensité de la lumière reçue par la cellule, modifiant ainsi sa production électrique.
Storage of water in a reservoir that can be carried over multiple years with variations in inflow and demand.
(Term used in remote sensing. ) A system for simultaneously observing the same target with several filtered bands. Usually applied to imaging radiometers that use dispersant optics to separate wavelength bands for viewing by several filtered detectors. Also applied to cameras.
An analysis procedure based on derivation of an analytic formula containing two or more variables to approximate values of a physical quantity at specified data points. The resulting formula serves as an interpolating function to estimate the physical quantity between data points. When two independent variables are used, the result is the equation of a surface that allows objective determination of the isopleths. In a typical meteorological application, objective analysis could be used to derive from scattered observations an expression for contour height as a continuous function of latitude and longitude for the purpose of generating a weather map.
A signal that consists of several distinguishable components. A multivariate signal may contain information that describes both the temporal and spatial variability of a single physical quantity.
The ratio of the speeds of a chemical reaction at two temperatures differing by 10°C. It varies with different materials but is generally near 2 (i. E. , the reaction rate doubles for each rise of temperature by 10°C), especially for reactions involving water vapor. This value may be connected with the fact that equilibrium vapor pressure nearly (but not quite) doubles for a rise of temperature by 10°C. The temperature coefficient for bacterial action is also near 2.
Largeur variable des anneaux produites par la croissance saisonnière, comme observé dans la section horizontale coupe d'un tronc d'arbre. Le nombre de sonneries observée correspond à l'âge de l'arbre. Cernes sont utilisés à ce jour au-delà des phénomènes climatiques dans le travail de la dendrochronologie.
Propagation of acoustic or electromagnetic radiation between two points along two or more paths because of the nonuniformity of the propagating medium.