American Meteorological Society
Industry: Weather
Number of terms: 60695
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
The American Meteorological Society promotes the development and dissemination of information and education on the atmospheric and related oceanic and hydrologic sciences and the advancement of their professional applications. Founded in 1919, AMS has a membership of more than 14,000 professionals, ...
Циклон, която формира близо до, или във връзка с основен циклон. За пример вторични циклони често образуват по протежение на източния бряг на Съединените щати, когато първичен циклон се намира в района на големите езера. По същия начин вторични циклони често се срещат над Балтийско море при първичен циклон е налице близо до крайбрежието на Норвегия. Вижте '' и '' център скок.
Предна част, която в зоната на ниско налягане, която обхваща Средиземно море между студен въздух над Европа и топъл въздух над Сахара.
A region of the atmosphere from about 15 to 60 km (roughly the extent of the stratosphere) that contains large concentrations of ozone. The ozone concentration peaks at about 10<sup>13</sup> molecules per cubic centimeter near 20 km, while the mixing ratio peaks at slightly higher altitude (about 9–10 ppm at 30 km). Ozone in this region is produced from photolysis of O<sub>2</sub> molecules and is destroyed by reactions involving the oxides of nitrogen, chlorine, and hydrogen. Because of the strong UV absorption spectrum of ozone, the ozone layer effectively limits penetration of UV radiation to the earth's surface to wavelengths longer than 290 nm.
1. същите като ozonosphere. 2. по принцип всеки слой в атмосферата, в която има най-много на концентрацията на озон.
One of the western boundary currents of the subtropical gyre in the southern Indian Ocean. It flows southward along the east coast of Mozambique through the Mozambique Channel and contributes about 30 Sv (30 × 10<sup>6</sup> m<sup>3</sup>s<sup>−1</sup>) to the Agulhas Current. Only about 6 Sv of this transport enter the Mozambique Channel from the north, fed from the northern branch of the South Equatorial Current; the remainder comes from the East Madagascar Current, which makes a northward loop south of Madagascar before it joins the Mozambique Current north of 15°S.
Както е посочено от Нютон, експоненциална намаляване на температурата с времето на тялото, охлаждане в течност. Закон на Нютон за охлаждане е приближение валидна при ограничени условия, не универсален закон на природата.
A set of three postulates first set forth by Sir Isaac Newton in the middle of the seventeenth century. According to the first law (the law of inertia), a body (point mass) remains at rest or in a state of uniform motion unless acted on by a force, where the position of the body is specified relative to an inertial reference frame. The second law states that the time rate of change of (linear) momentum of a body is equal to the force on the body; Newton took momentum to be the product of mass and velocity, which is only an approximation valid at speeds much less than that of light. Finally, the third law states that if two bodies exert forces on each other, they are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction. Although apparently simple and unambiguous, Newton's laws have engendered considerable discussion over the extent to which some of them are mere definitions (e. G. , of inertial reference frame, mass, and force) or are true laws in the sense of being subject to experimental verification. Despite the ambiguity of Newton's laws, they have proven to be an efficient way of describing the physical world (within limits) and form the basis for the equations of motion of fluids.
The eastward flowing current that originates from the Gulf Stream Extension east of the Grand Banks (about 40°N, 50°W). It initially forms part of the Atlantic subtropical gyre but separates from it after less than 500 km near 45°W, turning northeastward and following the Arctic Polar Front, also known as the North Wall, with a transport of some 30 Sv (30 × 10<sup>6</sup> m<sup>3</sup>s<sup>−1</sup>). Some of this water enters the subpolar gyre through mixing across the polar front and feeds the Irminger Current, but most of it is delivered to the Norwegian Current. The North Atlantic Current carries warm subtropical water much farther north than any other current of the Northern Hemisphere. As a result the climate of northern Europe is much milder than the climate of Alaska or northern Siberia, both of which are located at comparable latitude.
One of the western boundary currents of the Atlantic Ocean and part of the pathway for water from the Southern into the Northern Hemisphere in the global ocean conveyor belt. Flowing northward along the coast of northern Brazil with speeds up to 0. 8 m s<sup>−1</sup>, it originates from the South Equatorial Current and continues as the Guyana Current.
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