American Meteorological Society
Industry: Weather
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The American Meteorological Society promotes the development and dissemination of information and education on the atmospheric and related oceanic and hydrologic sciences and the advancement of their professional applications. Founded in 1919, AMS has a membership of more than 14,000 professionals, ...
Inorganic salt, formula NH4Cl, formed from the neutralization of hydrochloric acid by ammonia. Ammonium chloride is a low vapor pressure solid, which deliquesces when the relative humidity exceeds 80%. It is thought to be present in the urban aerosol present in smog episodes. See deliquescence.
The conversion of organic nitrogen to ammonia or ammonium ion by heterotrophic bacteria (ammonifiers) involved in the decomposition of organic matter.
A colorless gas, formula NH3, with a sharp, irritating odor, having a density about six- tenths that of air at the same temperature and pressure (0. 7720 g cm−3 at STP). A reduced nitrogen gas, NH3 is emitted in large quantities from animal feedstocks, sewerage plants, etc. Ammonia is very soluble in water and is scavenged from the lower atmosphere by clouds. It is the most abundant alkaline gas in the atmosphere and as such plays a large role in neutralizing acidity from sulfuric and nitric acids via formation of the ammonium ion. Large quantities of ammonia gas, and probably even ammonia crystals, occur in the atmospheres of the large planets Saturn and Jupiter. See air.
The temperature that is characteristic of the atmosphere surrounding a small-scale feature such as a cumulus cloud.
The air pressure that is characteristic of the atmosphere surrounding a small- scale feature such as a cumulus cloud.
1. Background, environmental, or surrounding air. When studying the dynamic and thermodynamic processes acting on an individual element such as an air parcel, cloud, smoke plume, raindrop, or ice crystal, ambient air represents the atmosphere outside of that element. The ambient air is often assumed to be static and of relatively large domain, within which the element resides. 2. The air that surrounds us, within which we live. When air pollutants of high concentration from exhaust or stack gases are emitted into cleaner air, the resulting polluted mixture is called the ambient air. National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) apply to this final mixture, not to the undiluted emission gases.
A principal cloud type (cloud genus) in the form of a gray or bluish (never white) sheet or layer of striated, fibrous, or uniform appearance. Altostratus very often totally covers the sky and may, in fact, cover an area of several thousand square miles. The layer has parts thin enough to reveal the position of the sun, and if gaps and rifts appear, they are irregularly shaped and spaced. Within the rather large vertical extent of altostratus (from several hundred to thousands of feet) a very heterogeneous particulate composition may exist. In this most complete case, there may be distinguished 1) an upper part, mostly or entirely ice crystals; 2) a middle part, a mixture of ice crystals and/or snowflakes and supercooled water droplets; and 3) a lower part, mostly or entirely supercooled or ordinary water droplets. A number of partial combinations of these composition types may occur, but never an entire cloud like 3) above. The particles are widely enough dispersed so as not to obscure the sun except by its thickest parts, but rather to impose a “ground-glass” effect upon the sun's image, and to prevent sharply outlined shadows from being cast by terrestrial objects. Halo phenomena do not occur. Altostratus is a precipitating cloud (praecipitatio) and therefore often is accompanied by virga and mamma. Rain, snow, ice pellets, etc. , are present in the cloud and under its base, frequently rendering the base quite indistinct, particularly when the precipitation does not reach the ground. When precipitation reaches the ground, it is usually very light and of a relatively continuous nature. Altostratus may be formed by the thickening of cirrostratus (As cirrostratomutatus), or by the thinning of nimbostratus (As nimbostratomutatus). If widespread precipitation develops in altocumulus, altostratus may result (As altocumulogenitus). Sometimes, particularly in the tropics, altostratus may be produced by the spreading of the middle or upper portion of cumulonimbus (As cumulonimbogenitus). Cirrostratus and nimbostratus are the two other forms most easily confused with altostratus. In the first case, it should be remembered that cirrostratus does allow terrestrial shadows and frequently produces halo phenomena. Nimbostratus is darker colored, hides the sun, is more uniform in optical thickness, and always produces precipitation. At night, if precipitation does not reach the ground, it is conventional to call the doubtful layer altostratus. Any stratiform (layered) cloud necessarily forms because further vertical development is inhibited by the presence of a temperature inversion. Rolls and cells in altostratus are thought to be of similar origin to those in altocumulus. See cloud classification.
1. Міра (або умови) висоти, особливо з великої висоти, як Вершина гори чи літак польоту рівня. У метеорології висота використовується майже виключно по відношенню до висоти airborne об'єкт над поверхнею, над поверхнею постійного тиску або над рівнем моря. Вимірювання висоти досягається шляхом висотомірів із повітроплавання, і весь дослідження називається альтиметрії. 2. В астрономії, так само, як кутом піднесення.
До аеропорту (аеродрому) до якої повітряного судна можуть виходити при стає неможливим або недоцільне, щоб приступити до або на посадку в аеропорту (аеродрому) передбачуваної посадки. Альтернативний аеропорти (аеродромів) включити наступні: * зльоту альтернативні: альтернативного аеропорту (аеродрому) на які може займати повітряного судна має це стати необхідним незабаром після зльоту і неможливо використовувати (аеродрому) аеропорту вильоту. * Маршруті альтернативні: аеропорт (аеродрому) з якою повітряного судна могли б землю після відчувають незвичайні, аварійні умовою по дорозі. * Маршруту: аеропорт (аеродрому) який повітряного судна можуть продовжити повинна вона стати неможливим або недоцільне землі в аеропорт (аеродрому) передбачуваної посадки.
Авіація, прогноз на інший аеропорт (аеродрому) буде використовуватися повітряного судна, якщо вона стає недоцільне землі в аеропорту (аеродрому) призначені посадки.