American Meteorological Society
Industry: Weather
Number of terms: 60695
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
The American Meteorological Society promotes the development and dissemination of information and education on the atmospheric and related oceanic and hydrologic sciences and the advancement of their professional applications. Founded in 1919, AMS has a membership of more than 14,000 professionals, ...
Branch of hydrology associated with the practical use of the science to solve technical problems.
The scientific analysis of climatic data in the light of a useful application for an operational purpose. “Operational” is interpreted as any specialized endeavor within such as industrial, manufacturing, agricultural, or technological pursuits (after Landsberg and Jacobs 1951). This is the general term for all such work and includes agricultural climatology, aviation climatology, bioclimatology, industrial climatology, and others.
The point in an orbit at which any orbiting object, for example, planet, moon, artificial satellite, is farthest from the central object. Opposite of perigee. Compare perihelion.
The point on any orbit farthest from the center of attraction; the opposite of pericenter.
1. In a unidirectional antenna, that portion of the plane surface that is perpendicular to the direction of maximum radiation and through which the major part of the radiation passes. The physical aperture of a horn or parabolic antenna is identical with the actual area of the antenna face. Other types of apertures may be defined that are related to the effectiveness with which an antenna can remove energy from an incident radio wave (usually called effective area), and to the extent to which the intercepted energy is lost in heat or is reradiated. 2. In an opaque disk, the hole or window placed on either side of a lens to control the amount of light passing through.
1. Не періодичні. 2. Застосовувати інструменті, в якому індикатора рухається на нове місце без осцилюючі.
На протон antiparticle, спочатку спостерігається в 1955 році.
Нейтрона antiparticle, спочатку спостерігається в 1956 році.
The complementary particle to every subatomic particle, identical in mass and, if charged, identical in charge magnitude but with opposite sign. If a particle has a magnetic (dipole) moment, its antiparticle has an equal and opposite magnetic moment. For example, the electron and positron comprise a particle–antiparticle pair. Because the electron was discovered first (and electrons are more abundant), the electron is the particle and the positron the antiparticle (antielectron), but this designation is arbitrary. The electron could just as well be called the antipositron. Collectively, antiparticles are called antimatter. When a particle and its antiparticle interact, they are annihilated, their energy living on in the form of gamma rays. The inverse process, pair production, is possible: A gamma ray photon interacting with an atomic nucleus may be annihilated, its energy taken up by an electron–positron pair. Some neutral particles are their own antiparticles (e. G. , the photon and the neutral pion).
На anticyclonic циркуляція атмосфери, закритих циркуляційних. Вітер у послугами антициклону є годинниковою у північній півкулі і проти годинникової стрілки в Південній півкулі. Що стосується відносних напрямку його обертання це протилежність циклон. Тому що anticyclonic циркуляції і відносно високий атмосферний тиск зазвичай співіснувати, умови антициклону і високої є взаємозамінними у загальноприйнятою практикою. Порівняйте хребта.