American Meteorological Society
Industry: Weather
Number of terms: 60695
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Company Profile:
The American Meteorological Society promotes the development and dissemination of information and education on the atmospheric and related oceanic and hydrologic sciences and the advancement of their professional applications. Founded in 1919, AMS has a membership of more than 14,000 professionals, ...
通常情况下,比常见的方差的两个独立估计。它作为方差分析的意义测试使用,并在这方面称为 F-检验。
Relates tornado intensity indirectly to structural and/or vegetative damage. The estimated wind speed is calculated using the following formula: V = 6. 30 (F+2)1. 5 m s−1. A six-point scale has been developed that corresponds to the following wind-speed estimates: F0 (light damage): 18–32 m s−1 F1 (moderate damage): 33–49 m s−1 F2 (considerable damage): 50–69 m s−1 F3 (severe damage): 70–92 m s−1 F4 (devastating damage): 93–116 m s−1 F5 (incredible damage):117–142 m s−1. Although extremely dependent on the design of a structure and the tree type, the following visual characteristics of the damage have been assigned to the F-scale. F0 - Some damage to chimneys; branches broken; shallow-rooted trees knocked over. F1 - Surface of roofs peeled off; mobile homes pushed off foundations or overturned; moving autos pushed off road. F2 - Roofs torn off frame houses; mobile homes demolished; boxcars pushed over; large trees snapped or uprooted. F3 - Roofs and some walls torn off well-constructed houses; trains overturned; most trees in forest uprooted; heavy cars lifted off ground and thrown. F4 - Well-constructed houses leveled; structures with weak foundations blown off; large missiles generated. F5 - Strong frame houses lifted off foundations and carried considerable distances; automobile- sized missiles flying through the air for distances in excess of 100 m; trees debarked.
(中文意为"风和云")静止气象卫星由中国发起和驻扎在印度洋在 105 ° E 经度。在 1997 年 6 月 10 日成功发射后卫星于 1997年年底开始常规操作。多光谱图像提供的 VISSR 工具,非常类似于用在 GMS 卫星上的修改版本。在 1998 年年初,卫星遇到困难同其数据链接。一系列单独的中国极地轨道卫星也使用了风云名称 (风云 1A 和 1B)。
一个精确的控制的方法和由操作员在地面上的飞机降落系统。精密进近雷达受雇来查看该飞机和雷达操作员"会谈"飞行员给他,他的立场和建议的更正为保持"完美的办法"。目前,枪支管制法 》 是一个需要在所有天气机场设施。如果完美运作,这一系统将确保零天花板和能见度条件 ; 下的安全着陆但是,要提供安全的一个因素,枪支的最小值是订明在几乎所有的设施。
区域的电离层偶尔观察到上面的 F2 图层中的自由电子。这一地区的存在不一定成立了。
温暖和猛烈地狂风东南风在法国中央高原的中心。在春天它会导致迅速融化的雪,和在秋天它带来大雨 ;两个导致水浸的河流。请参阅马林。
这些是最重要的是飞机操作的天气要素评价,根据设置的过程。它始终包含云高度或垂直能见度、 天空盖、 可见性、 视觉障碍、 某些的大气现象,和风速和方向,在观察的时间为准。完整观测包括海平面气压、 温度、 露点温度和高度表设定。航空天气观测进一步地被分类为记录,特别,检查和当地的额外意见。前两种类型编码和传输作为通信电路的报告。比较传出的天气观察。
When two oscillating quantities with different frequencies are superposed, the amplitude of the combination oscillates at the frequency difference, the beat frequency. The simplest example of beating is the superposition of two equal-amplitude oscillations, <center>[[File:ams2001glos-Be8.gif