Home > Blossary: Tripods
Glossary of different camera tripod types.


48 Terms

Created by: Robert Derbyshire

Number of Blossarys: 4

My Terms
Collected Terms

A tripod which gives complete freedom of movement in any direction, before being locked into place. A ball-head is great for moving subjects, but has the drawback of risking compositions not being ...

Domain: Photography; Category: Photography accessories

Licht Stative eignen sich besser portierbar sein, aber den Nachteil der begrenzten Robustheit leiden können. Ein Kompromiss muss zwischen Festigkeit und Gewicht erreicht werden.

Domain: Photography; Category: Photography accessories

Light tripods are useful in being more portable, but can suffer the disadvantage of limited sturdiness. A compromise needs to be reached between strength and weight.

Domain: Photography; Category: Photography accessories

Ein kleines, tragbares Stativ, die manchmal in einer Tasche angebracht werden kann. Mini-Stative haben in der Regel keine teleskopierbaren Beine.

Domain: Photography; Category: Photography accessories

An extremely portable, small tripod, which can be used with compact cameras to take photos from a table or flat surface.

Domain: Photography; Category: Photography accessories

Ein extrem tragbar, kleines Stativ, die mit Kompaktkameras verwendet werden können, um Fotos aus einer Tabelle oder flache Oberfläche.

Domain: Photography; Category: Photography accessories

Better but more expensive than aluminum, carbon fiber tripods are strong and good at absorbing vibrations.

Domain: Photography; Category: Photography accessories

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