Home > Blossary: Multilingual Geodetic Dictionary
Based on "Multilingual Geodetic Dictionary" published in the edition SGIGJ, Belgrade, 1980.


Company: Others

219 Terms

Created by: zblagojevic

Number of Blossarys: 5

My Terms
Collected Terms

Intestate - succession to property that has not been disposed of by a valid testament.

Domain: Real estate; Category: Corporate

A rule equipped with simple sights and used for determination of direction as a part of a surveying instrument.

Domain: Real estate; Category: Corporate

Правило с простой достопримечательности и используется для определения направления в рамках геодезических инструментов. ...

Domain: Real estate; Category: Corporate

A rule equipped with simple sights and used for determination of direction as a part of a surveying instrument.

Domain: Real estate; Category: Corporate

In der Regel mit einfachen Sehenswürdigkeiten ausgestattet und für die Bestimmung der Richtung als Teil eines Instruments Vermessung verwendet.

Domain: Real estate; Category: Corporate

Une règle équipée de simples curiosités et utilisée pour la détermination de la direction dans le cadre d'un instrument d'arpentage.

Domain: Real estate; Category: Corporate

A rule equipped with simple sights and used for determination of direction as a part of a surveying instrument.

Domain: Real estate; Category: Corporate

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