Home > Blossary: General terms
Terms that I find in daily conversations, net, books etc and think that are important to keep them to use later.


49 Terms

Created by: Fatimarcordeiro

Number of Blossarys: 1

My Terms
Collected Terms

Utilizado para comunicar que ainda é possível adquirir uma vaga para comparecer a um seminário, aula especial, espectáculo, etc.

Domain: General; Category: Miscellaneous

কথিত যে একটি আসন পেতে উপস্থিত থাকতে এখনও সম্ভব একটি সেমিনার, একটি বিশেষ শ্রেনী, একটি দেখান ইত্যাদি ...

Domain: General; Category: Miscellaneous

تُستخدم للإفادة بأن الحصول على مكان لحضور حلقة دراسية أو درس خاص أو عرض إلخ مازال ممكنا.

Domain: General; Category: Miscellaneous


Domain: General; Category: Miscellaneous

Usado para dizer que ainda é possível conseguir uma vaga para assistir a um seminário, aula especial, apresentação, etc.

Domain: General; Category: Miscellaneous

Used to say that is still possible to get a place to attend a seminar, a special class, a show etc.

Domain: General; Category: Miscellaneous

Fraza koja označava da je još uvek moguće prisustvovati seminaru, kursu ili priredbi.

Domain: General; Category: Miscellaneous

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