Home > Blossary: Finance & Investment
M&A Glossary of Terms

Category: Business

303 Terms

Created by: kirb

Number of Blossarys: 2

My Terms
Collected Terms

The selling off of all assets of a company prior to the complete cessation of operations. Corporations that choose to liquidate declare Chapter 7 bankruptcy. In a liquidation, the claims of secured ...

Domain: Financial services; Category: 

An investor in a limited partnership. The general partner is liable for the actions of the partnership while the limited partners are generally protected from legal actions and any losses beyond ...

Domain: Financial services; Category: 

A legal entity composed of a general partner and various limited partners. The general partner manages the investments and is liable for the actions of the partnership while the limited partners are ...

Domain: Financial services; Category: 

An ownership structure designed to limit the founders' losses to the amount of their investment. An LLC does not pay taxes, rather its owners pay taxes on their proportion of the LLC profits at their ...

Domain: Financial services; Category: 

An amount owed by a company, including short-term and long-term liabilities. Short-term liabilities are debt that must be paid within 12 months, such as amounts owed to suppliers (accounts payable), ...

Domain: Accounting; Category: 

Measurements of a company's debt as a multiple of cash flow. Typical leverage ratios include Total Debt / EBITDA, Total Debt / (EBITDA minus Capital Expenditures), and Senior Debt / EBITDA.

Domain: Financial services; Category: 

The purchase of a company or a business unit of a company by an outside investor using mostly borrowed capital.

Domain: Financial services; Category: 

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By: kirb