Home > Blossary: Tablet Glossary
A concise glossary of English-Chinese tablet terms


Company: Bank of America Corp.

46 Terms

Created by: Ruolan Jiang

Number of Blossarys: 1

My Terms
Collected Terms

货币当局为实现一定的宏观经济目标而采取的各种控制和调节货币供应量或信用方针、政策和措施的总和。包括宏观经济目标、政策工具、操作目标、中介目标及货币政策操作技巧等内容。 ...

Domain: Financial services; Category: Finance

The actions of a central bank, currency board or other regulatory committee that determine the size and rate of growth of the money supply, which in turn affects interest rates. Monetary policy is ...

Domain: Financial services; Category: Finance

银行等金融机构规定的以基准利率为中心在一定幅度内上下浮动的利率。有利率上浮和利率下浮两种情况。高于基准利率而低于最高幅度(含最高幅度)为利率上浮,低于基准利率而高于最低幅度(含最低幅度)为利率下浮。在中国,中国人民银行授权某一级行、处或专业银行在法定利率水平上和规定的幅度内根据不同情况上下浮动,以充分发挥利率的调节作用,并与“区别对待,择优扶持”的信贷原则结合起来考虑。浮动利率已成为中国利率体系的 ...

Domain: Financial services; Category: Finance

Any interest rate that changes on a periodic basis. The change is usually tied to movement of an outside indicator, such as the prime interest rate. Movement above or below certain levels is often ...

Domain: Financial services; Category: Finance

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