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For the terms which come up during our philosophy groups.


7 Terms

Created by: Robert Derbyshire

Number of Blossarys: 4

My Terms
Collected Terms

Within the Indian tradition, the gunas are the three energies from which everything is constituted. They are: sattwa, the energy of illumination and goodness; rajas, the energy of movement and passion; and tamas, the energy of dissolution and darkness. At different times of the year, and in different times of day, the balance of the gunas shifts.

Domain: Philosophy; Category: Eastern philosophy

Znotraj indijske tradicije, gunami so tri energij, iz katere vse, kar je ustanovljena. So: sattwa, energetsko osvetlitve in dobrote; rajas, energija gibanja in strast; in tamas, energijo raztapljanja in teme. V različnih obdobjih leta in v različnih urah dneva, premakne ravnovesje gunami.

Domain: Philosophy; Category: Eastern philosophy

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