Created by: Nexus
Number of Blossarys: 4
English (EN)
Hindi (HI)
Indonesian (ID)
Spanish, Latin American (XL)
Italian (IT)
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Spanish (ES)
Turkish (TR)
An area where public drinking has proven to be a nuisance, and where a permanent bye law has been passed to counter it. Within a controlled drinking zone a police officer can require a person to hand over open or sealed containers of alcohol, such as cans or bottles.
Eneo ambapo kunywa umma umeonyesha kuwa kero, na ambapo kudumu sheria bye imekuwa kupita kupambana nayo. Ndani ya eneo kudhibitiwa kunywa afisa wa polisi wanaweza kuhitaji mtu kwa mkono juu ya vyombo wazi au kufungwa ya pombe, kama vile, makopo au chupa.
When all residents can adjust to one another and get on well.
Wakati wote wakazi wanaweza kuzoea mtu mwingine na kupata vizuri.
The process by which human activities, most specifically the burning of fossil fuels, is believed to be altering Earth's climate, leading to unpredictable and extreme weather conditions.
Utaratibu ambao shughuli za binadamu, wengi hasa kuungua kwa mafuta, ni kuamini kuwa Kubadili hali ya hewa duniani, na kusababisha hali ya haitabiriki na uliokithiri hali ya hewa.
In local government, this has three potential meanings: *individual choice: where the user elects between options *personalisation: giving a more personalised service by tailoring it to the individual user, for example, designing an individual curriculum for one student *collective choice: delegation of the power to make a decision for a collection of individuals, usually below ward level, such as neighbourhood committees. Linked to this is voice, where users have the opportunity to participate in decision making, like tenant management organisations.
Katika serikali za mitaa, hii ina maana tatu uwezo: * mtu binafsi uchaguzi: ambapo mtumiaji ikachagua kati ya chaguzi * binafsi: kutoa huduma zaidi Msako na ushonaji kwa mtumiaji mmoja mmoja, kwa mfano, kubuni mitaala ya mtu binafsi kwa ajili ya mwanafunzi mmoja * pamoja uchaguzi: ujumbe wa uwezo wa kufanya uamuzi kwa ajili ya ukusanyaji wa watu binafsi, kwa kawaida chini ya ngazi ya kata, kama vile Kamati ya jirani. Wanaohusishwa na hii ni sauti, ambapo watumiaji kuwa na fursa ya kushiriki katika kufanya maamuzi, kama mashirika ya usimamizi mpangaji.
A term used to describe a range of voluntary civic or social organisations that contribute to society, including charities, NGOs, faith-based associations, etc.
Neno linalotumiwa mbalimbali ya mashirika ya hiari ya uraia au kijamii ambayo kuchangia katika jamii, ikiwa ni pamoja na misaada, mashirika yasiyo ya kiserikali, vyama vya kidini, nk
An obligation for energy suppliers over a 3-year period, to provide overall lifetime carbon dioxide (CO2) savings of 154 million tonnes of CO2. That is an equivalent to the emissions from 700,000 homes each year.
Wajibu kwa wauzaji wa nishati kwa kipindi 3-mwaka, kutoa jumla ya maisha caboni dioxide (CO2) akiba ya tani milioni 154 ya CO2. Hiyo ni sawa na uzalishaji kutoka majumbani 700,000 kila mwaka.
An area within which local businesses agree to pay an additional charge on their business rates. These funds are used to improve and enhance services and environmental conditions of this defined geographic area.
Eneo ndani ambayo wafanyabiashara wa ndani kukubali kulipa malipo ya ziada juu ya viwango vya biashara zao. Fedha hizo kutumika kuboresha na kuimarisha huduma na hali ya mazingira ya eneo hili defined kijiografia.
Committee responsible for reviewing the size of local authorities, their boundaries and the number of councillors. It is a statutory committee of the Electoral Commission. The three main types of review it conducts are elecoral, structural and administrative boundary reveiws.
Kamati ya kuwajibika kwa kupitia upya ukubwa wa serikali za mitaa, mipaka yao na idadi ya madiwani. Ni kamati ya kisheria ya Tume ya Uchaguzi. Aina tatu kuu ya mapitio yake inafanya ni elecoral, kimuundo na kiutawala mpaka maukaguzi.
A method for councils to work out how well they are doing, by comparing their performance with other similar councils, and with performance indicators (PIs).
Mbinu kwa ajili ya halmashauri ya kufanya kazi nje jinsi wao ni kufanya, kwa kulinganisha utendaji wao na halmashauri nyingine zinazofanana, na kwa utendaji viashiria (PIs).
Awards scheme designed to reward excellent authorities (council, fire, parks, transport or waste). Eligible authorities had to demonstrate a clear vision, high customer satisfaction and a willingness to innovate within a specific theme. The scheme ended in March 2010, and was replaced by the Local Innovation Awards scheme (LIAs).
Tuzo mpango iliyoundwa na walipa mamlaka bora (baraza, moto, mbuga, usafiri au taka). Mamlaka alikuwa kuonyesha wazi maono, high mteja kuridhika na nia ya uzushi ndani ya mandhari maalum. Mpango kumalizika Machi 2010, na nafasi yake kuchukuliwa na mpango Mitaa uzushi Awards (Lias).
An authority (council, fire, parks, transport or waste) which demonstrates excellence. Awards are made annually, and can be held for 15 months. It was replaced by the local innovation awards (LIA) scheme in March 2010.
Mamlaka (baraza, moto, mbuga, usafiri au taka) ambayo inaonyesha ubora. Tunzo ni alifanya kila mwaka, na yanaweza uliofanyika kwa muda wa miezi 15. Ni ersattes tuzo mitaa innovation (LIA) mpango Machi 2010.
An authority (council, fire, parks, transport or waste) which demonstrates excellence. Awards are made annually, and can be held for 15 months. It was replaced by the local innovation awards (LIA) scheme in March 2010.
Mamlaka (baraza, moto, mbuga, usafiri au taka) ambayo inaonyesha ubora. tunzo ni alifanya kila mwaka, na yanaweza uliofanyika kwa muda wa miezi 15. Ni ersattes tuzo mitaa innovation (LIA) mpango Machi 2010.
An independent regulator responsible for ensuring public money is spent efficiently, economically and effectively. It is in the process of being disbanded by the Government.
Mdhibiti wa kujitegemea wajibu wa kuhakikisha fedha za umma zinatumika kwa ufanisi, kiuchumi na ufanisi. Ni katika mchakato wa kuwa ilivunjwa na Serikali.
A network of 12 Public Health Observatories (PHOs) working throughout the five nations of England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. It produces information, data and intelligence on people's health and healthcare for practitioners, policy makers and the wider community. Its expertise lies in turning information and data into meaningful health intelligence.
Mtandao wa Observatories 12 ya Afya ya Umma (phos) kufanya kazi katika mataifa matano ya England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland ya Kaskazini na Jamhuri ya Ireland. Ni inazalisha habari, data na akili juu ya afya za watu na huduma ya afya kwa watendaji, watunga sera na jamii pana. Utaalamu wake lipo katika kugeuka habari na data ndani ya akili ya maana ya afya.
The local government association for London, renamed to London Councils in October 2006 to refocus its role.
Serikali za mitaa kwa ajili ya chama London, jina na Halmashauri London katika Oktoba 2006 refocus wajibu wake.
The local government association for London, renamed to London Councils in October 2006 to refocus its role.
Serikali za mitaa kwa ajili ya chama London, jina na Halmashauri London katika Oktoba 2006 refocus wajibu wake.
An online library, managed by Ashridge Business School, which provides learning materials for managers and leaders.
Maktaba online, na kusimamiwa na Ashridge Shule ya Biashara, ambayo inatoa vifaa vya kujifunza kwa mameneja na viongozi.
A company set up to manage and improve council housing stock, owned by the local authority, but managed seperately. ALMOs should encourage the participation of residents in management of their homes.
Kuanzisha kampuni ya kusimamia na kuboresha makazi baraza hisa, inayomilikiwa na mamlaka za mitaa, lakini imeweza kukabuliana. ALMOs lazima kuhimiza ushiriki wa wakazi katika usimamizi wa nyumba zao.
Devolving particular council matters to area bodies, including budgets, decisions regarding mainstream searvices, etc.
Kugatua masuala baraza fulani kwa miili eneo hilo, ikiwa ni pamoja na bajeti maamuzi, kuhusu searvices tawala, nk
A grant allocated by central government directly to local authorities as additional revenue funding, which local authorities are free to use it as they see fit.
Ruzuku inayotolewa na serikali kuu moja kwa moja kwa mamlaka ya ndani kama fedha za ziada mapato, ambayo mamlaka ya ndani ni bure kwa kutumia kama wao kuona inafaa.
A statutory measure applicable to anyone over 10, to protect the public against behaviour "that causes or is likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress" to an individual householder or a neighbourhood. It is . Breach of the order is a criminal offence, with a maximum penalty of five years in prison.
Kipimo kisheria zinazotumika kwa mtu yeyote zaidi ya 10, kulinda umma dhidi ya tabia \"vinavyosababisha au ni uwezekano wa kusababisha usumbufu, alarm au dhiki\" kwa nyumba ya mtu binafsi au kitongoji. Ni. Uvunjaji wa amri ni kosa la jinai, na adhabu ya miaka mitano jela.
According to the Crime and Disorder Act 1998, this is "acting in an anti-social manner as a manner that caused or was likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress to one or more persons not of the same household".
Kulingana na Uhalifu na Matatizo ya Sheria ya 1998, hii ni \"kaimu katika namna ya kupambana na kijamii kama njia ambayo husababishwa au kulikuwa na uwezekano wa kusababisha usumbufu, alarm au dhiki kwa mtu mmoja au zaidi si wa kaya moja\".
The total amount of money given by central government to local government. It consists of the Revenue Support Grant (RSG), ringfenced and other specific grants and redistributed business rates. Councils raise money on top of this through council tax.
Jumla ya kiasi cha fedha zilizotolewa na serikali kuu kwa serikali za mitaa. Lina Support Mapato Grant (RSG), ringfenced na nyingine ruzuku maalum na viwango vya redistributed biashara. Halmashauri kuongeza fedha juu ya hili kwa njia ya kodi baraza.
Housing which is either for sale or for rent – or a combination of both – at below current market values. Typically, it takes the form of social rented, shared ownership, key worker, outright below market sale or below market rent in the private sector.
Makazi ambayo ni aidha kwa ajili ya kuuza au kwa ajili ya kodi - au mchanganyiko wa wote - katika maadili chini ya sasa ya soko. Kawaida, inachukua fomu ya kijamii kukodi, pamoja mfanyakazi umiliki, muhimu, pangisha chini soko ya kuuza au chini ya kodi ya soko katika sekta binafsi.