Category: Travel
Created by: tahira rafiq
Number of Blossarys: 5
Golden Gate Park is bordered by the Pacific Ocean on its western end and extending 4.5 miles east, San Francisco's Golden Gate Park includes the Japanese Tea Graden, the Strybing Arboretum, the San Francisco Conservatory of Flowers, the De Young museums, the AIDS Memorial Grove, Stow lake and the Academy of Sciences. This park provides hours or even days of fun, relaxation, and entertainment; lawn bowling, horseshows, and archery are a few of the activities to take part in.
Golden Gate Park je obrobljen z tihi Ocean, na zahodnem koncu in razširitev 4.5 milj vzhodno, San Francisco's Golden Gate Park vključuje japonski čaj grad, Strybing Arboretum, konservatoriju San Francisco cvetje, De Young muzejev, AIDS Memorial Grove, Stow jezero in SAZU. Ta park ponuja ur ali celo dni zabavo, sprostitev in zabavo; trate bowling, horseshows in lokostrelstvo so nekaj dejavnosti udeleževali.